Do you often find yourself saying, “They just don’t get it”? Yeah. Me, too.
I am an avid reader of my daily horoscope. Today’s was tied directly to the “Work Should Be Fun!” mantra.
Leo: You have an instinct to be playful even in work-oriented situations. Not everyone will understand how this makes things better. That is why your process is best kept private. Let them see the results and wonder how you got them.
(Printed in the Columbus Dispatch, October 22, 2013)
Perfect. Except for that part about keeping it private. After all, that’s why I started this blog.
The bottom line is, enjoying our work leads to higher levels of productivity. One way of bringing more enjoyment to our work is to maintain a playful attitude. (There’s that attitude thing again…)
When you see me with that silly smirk on my face in the middle of a long, boring meeting, don’t worry. It’s just me thinking playful thoughts. And keeping them to myself.